Sunday 5 August 2012

How Do You Tire Out Your Toddler?

I have been trying to find ways to tire out my wee one, but the baths before bed time don't work for me and I can't seem to get Aaliyah engaged into walking around the house long periods of time during the late evenings at all. I get her to climb our stairs with myself following closely behind, but she will only climb them about two times, which is not enough to tire her out. I even tried letting her play in the pool about an hour after supper hour and let her just play that does not work either. I even take her to the park down the street and she plays like crazy there, but it is not enough to get her tired out. So what I am wondering is what the heck am I suppose to do to get my energetic child to sleep so easily.
If you saw her for yourself you'd think she drank a bunch of redbull's and coffees. Oh the joys of being a mom can be so tiring at times.

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