Saturday 11 August 2012

Stuffed Meatballs

Oh yummy yummy yummy in my tummy. My mother and I just finished a batch of stuffed cheese meatballs. We divided the batch, half balls filled with mozzarella and the other stuffed with herbed havarti cheese.  As for seasoning we put italian seasoning, garlic powder, pepper and salt into the beef with a dash of sriacha sauce. And it smells so good. Mom just pulled the meatballs out of the oven. The aroma is just flowing all through the house right now and my mouth is salivating as I am writing this.

I am sorry that I did not think to take a picture. I will try my best to remember in future posts regarding food.

Sunday 5 August 2012

How Do You Tire Out Your Toddler?

I have been trying to find ways to tire out my wee one, but the baths before bed time don't work for me and I can't seem to get Aaliyah engaged into walking around the house long periods of time during the late evenings at all. I get her to climb our stairs with myself following closely behind, but she will only climb them about two times, which is not enough to tire her out. I even tried letting her play in the pool about an hour after supper hour and let her just play that does not work either. I even take her to the park down the street and she plays like crazy there, but it is not enough to get her tired out. So what I am wondering is what the heck am I suppose to do to get my energetic child to sleep so easily.
If you saw her for yourself you'd think she drank a bunch of redbull's and coffees. Oh the joys of being a mom can be so tiring at times.