Wednesday 31 October 2012

Unorganized Blog

Don't you just get annoyed when you log onto blog about something? Then as soon as it you are logged in, it seems as though you cannot find the words to say what you want to say. I know what I want to say, but sometimes just getting it out is just really annoying. I am not at a loss for words by any means, more so at a loss of how to put my words in order to make what I have all jumbled up in my head make sense to everyone else. I think differently than other; at least I think I do. I am sure if someone could share my thought process with me for one day they would definitely not understand what I was thinking of, but I get it and understand it in my own way.
I guess this is what I get for not writing regularly here on blogger or even in my note pad on my laptop. Anyways whatever! It is halloween day and I need to get some last minute things done. While on the topic before I log off I might as well share what I am doing costume wise for my little one. I have this really adorable handmade tinkerbell style outfit. So, therefore she is going to be tinkerbell, but I am also doing a little bit of makeup. Before you crazy moms out there that are against makeup on a baby let me say something first. No I am not plastering her face in cover up and all the stupid stuff you see other Mother's do. I am doing the look off of the movie Ever After (it is a cinderella story, for those of you who don't know the movie well), and if you look at the picture on google image if you google ever after makeup, it is a sheer shimmer with rhine stones. It is more of a masquerade look. So I am taking that look and making it fit the tinkerbell/fairy look. With my own added touch to it to make it look more natural though. I will be sure to take some photos and share with you what I have done for her halloween makeup look.
Well that is all for now folks. Eww I sound like the pig off of merry melodies saying the 'that's all for now folks saying.' LOL.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

My Passion

Besides writing poetry and novels, I realized I have been pushing away what has always been my passion. And what made me realize this was the tv show 'Project Runway'. To see how much passion the people put into their designs and how much they love to design clothes. It got me thinking of what I have always wanted to do since I was twelve years old. That is a beautician; a more fancy way of calling yourself a makeup artist & hair stylist.
I had come across this at home training course for a makeup course here in Edmonton last year when we first moved here and been keeping my open for the opportunity to save my loose change and left over money for it, but then kept dipping into it. So now I am going to be more responsible and not spend my extra money no matter what. The kit costs near $1585 for the whole learning kit give or take. The kit comes with over 30 dvd's and most of them being over three hours long. It also comes with a makeup kit with the basic colors and also professional makeup brushes. You do a lot of projects and take photos of yourself after doing an assignment or project and upload it to your personal account you have with them and they grade your work. You learn everything from the comfort of your own home and  I can easily do this during my daughters nap times. She sleeps for a good hour, so I could do an hour a day for however long it takes me to do this.
I almost forgot how it made me feel when applying makeup on myself or a family member and friends. I have done a plethora of my friends makeup for christmas formal dances and such along with my own. Let alone my own makeup for my own wedding. Also my best friends wife for their wedding day as well (at no charge, since I am not professional). Although, she loved it. So from this point on for however long it takes me to save up for this kit I will do it until I have the money to do so.